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    Today's EDM News

    The Weather Station :: Humanhood
    / Categories: EDM News

    The Weather Station :: Humanhood

    Tamara Lindeman is the Weather Station, for all intents and purposes, so what’s remarkable about her seventh album is how she slips into the mix. She flutters and flourishes like a wild jazz flute. She eddies and cascades in slithery runs. She matches the syncopated stop-go of a piano run, her voice just off center enough to be interesting. She spits out knotty strings of striking imagery. But she does it all as another instrument in a breezy, jazzy mix, as significant but no more so than complicated patterns of percussion, sharp outbursts of flute and cloudier eruptions of saxophone, or the intricate interplay of keyboards, guitars, bass.

    The post The Weather Station :: Humanhood appeared first on Aquarium Drunkard.

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